Thursday, November 20, 2014

Exam Results

The results are in, and I am now certified to comment on the Wainstein Report. Checking my answers against the answer key reveals I scored 32 for 35, or 91%.  A score of 30/35 was required to pass.

I was docked 3 points for the three questions I intentionally left blank; but I was able to answer the remaining 32 questions without too much complaint, leaving myself enough of a buffer to stay above the threshold needed to avoid having to "sit down and shut up."

Even though the exam was rhetorical -- and super easy since reference citations were supplied -- it was a good exercise in that it encouraged the test taker to look more closely at the Report and consider its content and composition more carefully than one might otherwise. Mr. Bethel might consider reviewing my commented notes -  which are also obviously of a rhetorical nature -- though I'm not optimistic he will ponder them as seriously as I did his exam.

I noticed that the edited exam page with answers moved the question about what prompted UNC to contract Wainstein to conduct an investigation from it's original placement as Question #2 to Question #17, shifting all of the intervening questions up by one. Not sure why that happened other than maybe Mr. Bethel felt it better fit the flow of the narrative the exam was intending to convey.

 Despite my critique of the exam, I enjoyed it; and with tongue planted firmly in cheek, I will display my certification proudly.